Other Services

Environmental Rate Consultants, Inc.

Very Specialized Services Include

Legally Defensible Storm Water Utility Program for a City Program*;

Legally Defensible Storm Water Utility Program for a County Program;

Legally Defensible Storm Water Utility Program for a Multi-Jurisdictional Program;

Revising and Updating Existing Storm Water Utility Programs;

Promoting the Successes of Storm Water Utility Programs;

Storm Water Brochure, Billing Stuffer, Fact Sheet, Website Materials Development;

Enhancing Website Tracking;

Enhancing Website Customer Service / Complaint / Inquiry Tracking from the Public;

Website Design Cost of Service and Capital Project Mapping Techniques;

Error Free Storm Water Billing Database to Tax Assessors/Auditors;

Business Plan Development;

Water, Sewer and Storm Water Rate Studies;

Utility Billing System Installation;

Cost Allocation Analysis - General Fund, State Revolving Programs, etc.

* Our Storm Water Utility Implementation Process and Approach has been deemed legally defensible by an

Ohio Judge in a Court of Law. Contact us for more details.

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Environmental Rate Consultants, Inc.

Very Specialized Services Include

Legally Defensible Storm Water Utility Program for a City Program*;

Legally Defensible Storm Water Utility Program for a County Program;

Legally Defensible Storm Water Utility Program for a Multi-Jurisdictional Program;

Revising and Updating Existing Storm Water Utility Programs;

Promoting the Successes of Storm Water Utility Programs;

Storm Water Brochure, Billing Stuffer, Fact Sheet, Website Materials Development;

Enhancing Website Tracking;

Enhancing Website Customer Service / Complaint / Inquiry Tracking from the Public;

Website Design Cost of Service and Capital Project Mapping Techniques;

Error Free Storm Water Billing Database to Tax Assessors/Auditors;

Business Plan Development;

Water, Sewer and Storm Water Rate Studies;

Utility Billing System Installation;

Cost Allocation Analysis - General Fund, State Revolving Programs, etc.

* Our Storm Water Utility Implementation Process and Approach has been

deemed legally defensible by an Ohio Judge in a Court of Law. Contact us for more details.

Other Services